Как компания, мы являемся частью социальной и культурной среды. Вот почему мы активно поощряем и содействуем профессиональному развитию наших сотрудников.
Sungrow очень серьезно относится к социальной ответственности. Вот почему мы делаем пожертвования школам и поддерживаем проекты по борьбе с бедностью.
Компания отражает общество, из которого она возникла. В соответствии с этим пониманием мы определили основные правила и ценности нашей компании. К ним относятся открытость, инклюзивность и честная конкуренция, антидискриминационные принципы и активное содействие личностному развитию наших сотрудников.
Часто существуют различные способы достижения какой-либо одной цели: простой путь и более сложный, но подходящий путь. Мы следуем нашим принципам во всех наших решениях – это самое чистое решение в долгосрочной перспективе.
Sungrow takes social responsibility very seriously. That is why we donate to schools and support projects for poverty alleviation.
A company reflects the society from which it emerged. According to this understanding, we have defined central rules and values for our company. These include openness, inclusion and fair competition, anti-discriminatory principles and the active promotion of the personal development of our employees.
There are often various ways to achieve any one objective: an easy way and a more complicated, but appropriate, way. We follow our principles in all our decisions – this is the cleanest solution in the long term.
Sungrow takes social responsibility very seriously. That is why we donate to schools and support projects for poverty alleviation.
A company reflects the society from which it emerged. According to this understanding, we have defined central rules and values for our company. These include openness, inclusion and fair competition, anti-discriminatory principles and the active promotion of the personal development of our employees.
There are often various ways to achieve any one objective: an easy way and a more complicated, but appropriate, way. We follow our principles in all our decisions – this is the cleanest solution in the long term.
TTNergy takes social responsibility very seriously. That is why we donate to schools and support projects for poverty alleviation.
A company reflects the society from which it emerged. According to this understanding, we have defined central rules and values for our company. These include openness, inclusion and fair competition, anti-discriminatory principles and the active promotion of the personal development of our employees.
There are often various ways to achieve any one objective: an easy way and a more complicated, but appropriate, way. We follow our principles in all our decisions – this is the cleanest solution in the long term.